Game Versions

Zips and Packages:


Version 0.0.1:

+Blender files imported

+Arranged assets into a traversable map

+Imported PSX shader; applied it to the main camera

+Added ‘camera follows’ script

>/ Camera sits behind the player without the PSX shader

Version 0.0.2:

+Added interesting lighting

-/Removed ‘camera follow’ script

Version 0.0.3:

+Added cinema machine camera > camera now self-orients behind the player with the PSX shader

+Added a ‘player move’ script

>Player now moves using WASD or arrow keys and jumps using the space bar

>Camera follows the player and can be moved using a mouse > PSX shader present

+Added new lighting and skybox

*Fixed missing areas of the map

+Added TVs and radios, and neon lighting

+Added default unity fog

Version 0.0.4:

*Camera no longer fazes through floor when player aims mouse downwards

*Fixed collider boxes around certain buildings

*Editing lighting effects

Version 0.0.5:

+Added scanlines to exemplify the PSX effect

/Lighting has messed up and become too dark

Version 0.0.6:

+Added new lighting

-Still not 100% right; too dark

Version 0.0.7:

+Added Royalty free music added to TVs and radios

>’Audio source’ added on assets

>Binaural and spatial sound using scripting

+Music stops when a player enters a collider near the TV>too jarring, needs to fade out

>Music does not restart when a player leaves the box collider (using scripting)

Version 0.0.8:

+Added change log

+Added video word-keys added onto TV screens

>’Video player’ added onto assets

Version 0.0.9:

+Added voice recognition to main game

>developed in separate project file, C# code recognises what a player is saying

>C# script then opens a door with an audio listener attached when the correct phrase is recognised (/ around ‘Y axis’; needs to be around a point at the edge?)

+Ddoor opens at “knowledge of”

+Added placeholder poster pictures that aim to show a player how to use the voice recognition door > Hopefully readable and understandable

>2 * posters – “TV = key”, “key = voice/microphone”

*Fixed lighting!

-Removed building to make space for a doorway

>Trying to create a demo ready for the science fair

Version 0.0.10:

+Added controller input using C#

>‘A’ = jump

>‘Left joystick’ = move

>‘Right joystick’ = camera control

Version 0.0.11:

+Added “Thank you for playing the demo” poster

Version 0.0.12:

+Added all the building models into unity.

+Added a larger map within the game.

-Removed the original demo area of the game to make the area larger.

Version 0.0.13:

+Added tower into the game

+Added fish eye effect to the camera with (FOV) 80

Version 0.0.14:

+Added more buildings to the map

+Added the character model and animations to match the player’s movements

+Added more TVs and radios to the map

+Added textures around the Tower Zone and the Tower itself

+Added Audio and VIdeos around the tower

+Added Audio and Videos to TVs and radios for the game mechanics

-Removed the left, right and jump due to the code crashing when playing the game and also the player animations would break when moving left to right.

Version 0.0.15:

+Added lighting around the map

+Added particle systems for rain and embers

+Added clutter to the map to make it more ‘like as people living there’

+Added rest of the textures in the game areas

+Added Start menu to the game

+Added Play Button

+Added How to Play Button

+Added Quit Button

+Added Back Button to the How to Play page to the main menu